François Conne with the collaboration of Pierre Pastré, Annie Bessot & Sandra Bruno |
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French didactics of mathematics is hugely indebted to Gérard Vergnaud, the French “ critical thinker ” who dedicated himself, internally, to counterbalancing the weight of “utopian thinkers, and externally, did much to indicate the possible links between these new theories and those which were current elsewhere.
Utopian theory, critical theory in the field of didactics
Work on theory is necessary if only to put some order into the wealth of ideas, research works, experiments and observations, and there are at least two ways in which a researcher can contribute to it. He can either set up a personal framework in the aim of reconsidering the field in its whole, hoping in this way that a new order will emerge. This research mode has a formalising aim, and mathematicians are particularly at ease in this mode. For the sake of simplification, let us give it the name of utopian theory. It consists in developing a relatively detached construction which can be used as a framework for the study and transformation of practices of the dissemination of knowledge. According to the other mode of theory, which we will qualify as critical theory, the researcher intervenes directly on the state of the field and its multiple ramifications, taking an interest in the interplay between the numerous links built up in didactic systems, and how these systems develop and are renewed. The critical researcher dedicates himself to questioning existing theories in order to redirect them to a constantly changing reality whose transformations owe little to our speculations.
These two theories are in contrast. They are unfortunately only too often placed in sterile competition. However, each is necessary to the other. On one hand, holders of utopian theories will never be able to burn all their bridges. Their ideas and concepts will always be deformed by their combination with ideas and concepts stemming from other theoretical horizons. Moreover, any order which emerges will always be shown to have had a precursor. A new theory can claim to represent a rupture, it will however inevitably either disappear or become part of the tradition. In short, no theory can be self-sufficient and its assimilation into its field requires a theory of the second order. On the other hand, just as trees grow both through their branches and their roots, a scientific construction can only expand if it reworks its own foundations. Hence the search for new systematic natures, however utopian they may appear, offer new perspectives to critical theory.
A third mode of theory is more directed towards experimentation. In psychology, as far as questions of development and learning are concerned, Piagetian research is impressive. Unfortunately the practices developed by this school, the Piagetian clinical interview (sometimes also called critical), is no longer in vogue. Such a regrettable fate demonstrates that this perspective cannot, no more than the other two, be self-sufficient. Moreover, such fragility in experimental work in psychology is nothing compared to that which characterises research in didactics. For instance, it is far more difficult to set up real laboratories in didactics, as they must be set up in training structures. However, these centres are already monopolised by many other missions than the possibility of proposing ground for research. On top of that, a researcher cannot totally avoid the strong time pressure to which any teaching is subjected. The fact that the experimental Jules Michelet school and the COREM directed by Guy Brousseau remained an exception and were not able to survive is witness to this fact.
Gérard Vergnaud, a critical thinker, psychologist and didactician
Two facts probably explain the position of Gérard Vergnaud in the field of mathematics education and more particularly in that of didactics. First of all, Gérard Vergnaud is a psychologist. As a result, as a psychologist benefiting from peer recognition, his theoretical work has been able to become a critique of existing psychological theories which address questions of epistemology and teaching. Secondly, for Gérard Vergnaud, the adequacy of theory is what is required for any effective action on reality. Consequently, although psychology aims to contribute to questions of didactics, its theories must leave themselves open to questioning by didactic reality. In order to allow themselves to be convinced of this, readers may refer to articles published by Gérard Vergnaud and note the frequency of the interrogative in their titles. The relevance of psychological theories can be measured more through their propensity to evolve and revise themselves in relation to didactic realities than through the benefits that pedagogues, teachers, educators or parents may obtain by referring to them. Hence, for Gérard Vergnaud, on one hand didactic reality provide him with information and push him to adapt his theories incessantly, and on the other hand the bridges and links he sets up between researchers in contact with different realities allow his critical work to gain the general nature required by his theoretical sight.
One might assume that questions of didactics are marginal in relation to psychology as such, and that any researcher in psychology would be better off focusing on more purely psychological realities. Two arguments may be presented to counter this notion. The first is pragmatic: an exclusive focusing of this nature would only put off the study of crucial questions without any justification, without anyone being able to state that psychology really cannot understand or benefit from the study of didactic questions. The second is methodological: theory must be in adequacy with reality in a general way, otherwise it will only be in adequacy with its “own” reality, a convenient reality. By rendering itself in this way almost impossible to qualify, it will soon become insignificant. From this ensues strong sensitivity of any critical theory towards marginal questions.
For Jean Piaget, seeking answers to epistemological questions through research in psychology already consisted in taking position on its edges. The remarkable thing about Gérard Vergnaud’s work is not only that he took the opposite approach, but that this approach was taken following two different dimensions: 1/ developing psychological theories in response to questions raised by didactic realities, and 2/ undertaking such development along the lines of a theory which is general enough to respond to both academic and professional questions, which may be of interest to schools as well as businesses. Hence Gérard Vergnaud’s critical theory addresses both psychology and didactics, both academic and professional education, both on the development of children and adults.
Gérard Vergnaud’s career is also distinguished by his terrific entrepreneurial spirit: he is the initiator of numerous movements and gatherings of researchers on the international scene. We shall only quote the following here: The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematical Education – PME – of which he is a co-founder (ICME3, 1976) and of which he was president from 1977 and 1982, or from 1977, the Séminaire National de Didactique des Mathématiques (French National Mathematics Didactics Seminar) in Paris, then from 1980, l’Ecole d’Eté de Didactique des Mathématiques (Mathematics Didactics Summer School) as well as the Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques – RDM – journal. His influence is great in the French-speaking sphere (he is for example Dr Honoris causa of the University of Geneva), but he also maintains numerous collaborations both in the west, in North and South America, and in the east (he is for example a member of the Russian Academy of Psychological Sciences). For his numerous other contributions we refer the reader to the Curriculum Vitae in the appendix.
Development of psychology brought about by the problems raised in rendering it operational
Gérard Vergnaud’s psychology explains to what extent action and its organisation are at the heart of of conceptualisation. The idea of a continuity between the most elementary actions of a subject and the most highly developed conceptualisations of science was proposed and firmly supported before Vergnaud by Jean Piaget. Gérard Vergnaud has brought this notion up to date by obliging his psychological theory to set up a dialectic between on one hand its operational contributions, and on the other hand conceptual contributions. (Why can’t research in psychology do without didactics and epistemology? Article published 2001). G. Vergnaud’s work offers proof of the pertinence of his point of view, as, over the years, it has demonstrated its ability to articulate highly varied disciplinary approaches, with incomparable ease and elegance.
Gérard Vergnaud is a developmental psychologist. Inspired by Jean Piaget, he has inflected the latter’s theoretical framework, highlighting the importance of learning contents in development and the role of mediation. This led him to Lev Vygotski, but with the aim of synthesis rather than confrontation. What strikes one most about his work is that it shows, through acts, how developmental psychology contributes to the development of psychology itself. What greater homage could a pupil pay to the Genevan master?
At the start of his career, Gérard Vergnaud approached questions about the teaching of mathematics in the manner of a specification of the results of genetic epistemology to the school context and particular mathematical contents. His perspective remained developmental. However, there was no longer question of major structures of intelligence linked to the most general logical-mathematical concepts such as number, space, function etc, but instead an effort aimed at defining the general and distant questions of school teaching and learning, in order to render it usable by teachers. The order he considered was no longer Jean Piaget’s over-rigid theory of states, but was designed as a partial order in development. This idea allowed questions relative to cognitive development to be opened up to the case of adults. This was to be defined in research applied to the classification of learning situations (Essai de classification des situations d’apprentissage, article 1964), then to the idea of psychogenetic complexity compared to additive structures (Structures additives et complexité psychogénétique, article 1976),or to the relationship between psychogenesis and hierarchies of the difficulty of school tasks (Psychogenèse et programmes d’enseignement : différents aspects de la notion de hiérarchie, article 1976-77). Gérard Vergnaud has remained faithful to the spirit of Piaget as he continuously makes parallels between the structure of mathematical contents and a pupil’s learning progress and development of knowledge. However, in contrast to Genevan researchers close to Bärbel Inhelder, he did not undertake his work of definition on the study of details which would have pushed his research towards microgenetic phenomena. He limited himself to categories of knowledge calibrated on school practice. This is what marks his commitment as a didactician. In this regard it is significant that Gérard Vergnaud persistently defended the fact that progress in learning at school should be considered in the long term, (ex. Le Long terme et le court terme dans l’apprentissage de l’algèbre, article 1988 ; Algebra, Additive and Multiplicative Structures. Is there any coherence at early secondary level?, article 1997), hence his insistence on longitudinal research both in psychology and didactics. Gérard Vergnaud’s psychology remained epistemological. His major work on this type of research is an article which he co-signed with Mme C. Durand, which we cited above: Structures additives et complexité psychogénétique.
Gérard Vergnaud has never renounced the strong hypothesis which considers the link between the genesis of acquired knowledge and the structure of mathematical knowledge to be central. This led him to take an interest more precisely in a relational logic, in the psychological concept of representation, and the mathematical concept of homomorphism, putting forward that what renders representation operational is precisely the fact that it is homomorphic, allowing subjects to act on its comparisons themselves. This prevented him from falling into the familiar trap of representation considered as the mental reflection of reality, or conversely as a formatting of reality based on models implemented in the mind. Before Vergnaud, Jean Piaget leant heavily on the idea of invariant structure which mathematicians had highlighted (in particular Erlangen’s programme), and which he transposed to his theory of the development of intelligence. Gérard Vergnaud has updated these notions in light of developments in Piagetian research, once again through a reversal of perspective: whereas Jean Piaget aimed to qualify the structure of intelligence, and to explain the stability of a subject’s acquired knowledge beyond the apparent fluctuations of reality, Gérard Vergnaud has focused on the description of how the acquisition of knowledge allows the learner to order and stabilise reality himself, first and foremost the effect of his acts on reality. At the same time he turned his attention to the structural pair: operational invariant/theorem in action, and on the functional pair: scheme/algorithm. This gave rise to numerous works on calculus and the learning of algebra. We may quote here the following articles: Calcul relationnel et representation calculable (article 1974-75); Invariants quantitatifs, qualitatifs et relationnels (article 1976-77) ; Homomorphisme reel-représentation et signifié-signifiant: exemples en mathématiques (paper published in Russian 1995) ; A comprehensive Theory of Representation for Mathematics Education, (paper published 1999) ; as well as Concept et scheme dans une théorie opératoire de la representation (article 1985). This last article is the most important of all.
His commitment to the emerging movement of French didactics of mathematics was to turn his work towards new categories of reality and its knowledge: situations and concepts. This caused him to insist on the importance of conceptualisation in learning. (Au fond de l’apprentissage, la conceptualisation, paper published 1996; Qu’apportent les systèmes de signes à la conceptualisation? paper published 2002 ; Conceptualisation , clé de voûte des rapports entre pratique et théorie, paper published 2003), and was to provide the corner stone of his Theorie des Champs Conceptuels (Theory of Conceptual Fields) which considers any concept to be a triple of three sets, and I quote (La Théorie des Champs Conceptuels, article 1991):
- “A concept is a triple of three sets, C=(S, I, ζ)
- S, the set of situations which give meaning to the concept (reference)
- I, the set of invariants on which the operationality of the schemes is based (content);
- ζ, the set of linguistic and non-linguistic forms which allow the concept, its properties, the situations and processing procedures to be represented symbolically (signifier)
The idea of thinking in terms of conceptual fields considers that a concept never concerns a single type of situation but several, and that reciprocally, a situation always presents different interlinked conceptual facets. This is of capital importance as far as the teaching of mathematics is concerned, as on one hand it raises doubts about the operationality of any didactics which may divide up its objects too finely, and on the other hand it pleads that the long term processes of conceptualisation be seriously taken into account in the programming of school learning. Apart from the key article, quoted above, mention should be made of research which formed the primary support of his theory: that led with his team on the notion of volume (Didactique et acquisitions de la notion de volume, Représentation du volume et arithmétisation : entretiens individuels avec des élèves de 11 à 15 ans, & Une expérience didactique sur le concept de volume en classe de 5ème, 12-13 ans – article 1983) as well as less well-known but no less capital research on the comparison of the representation of data on temporal or spatial scales (Les fonctions de l’action et de la symbolisation dans la formation des connaissances chez l’enfant, collective work 1987).
After this time Gérard Vergnaud’s career turned towards questions of development and training of adults (La didactique a-t-elle un sens pour la formation des personnes peu qualifiées et peu motivées ?, paper published 1995), in which he launched the setting up of professional didactics (creation of a coordinated research group in didactics, Greco: professional groupe didactique). He also set up exchanges with the business world (Crin club « Evolution du travail et développement des compétences » (Evolution at work and skill development), whichbrings together business people, consultants and researchers, in order to construct research objects. See for example La forme opératoire de la connaissance : un beau sujet de recherche fondamentale et appliquées ? – paper published 1999 – or the writing of Volume 3 Les conditions de mise en oeuvre de la démarche compétence, journées internationales de la formation MEDEF, France). It was the impulse of the most urgent problems in this field, and following the profound changes that the world of work is undergoing, with on one side serious problems of professional mobility and redeployment of workers, and on the other side the pressure to specify skills in a company which led him to consider the question of skills as central (creation of the Association pour la recherche sur le développement des compétences, ARDéCO). Particular note should be taken of Compétence et connaissance théorique (paper published 1998) ; Les conditions de mise en œuvre de la démarche compétence (paper published 1998) ; Compétence, conceptualisation et représentation (paper published 1999).
Gérard Vergnaud’s major contributions to the development of a psychology useful to didactics
According to Gérard Vergnaud, 1/ there are two forms of acquired knowledge : predicative and operative. The terms used are important: predicative, not discursive (as there is predication in the knowledge in action); operative, not pragmatic, as pragmatism, except in its Peirician acceptation known as “pragmaticism”, tends to subject acquired knowledge to its usefulness. 2/ Of these two forms of knowledge, the operative form is the first. (Forme opératoire et forme prédicative de la connaissance, article 2001) His aim is to see how these two forms of knowledge exchange and interact in development and learning. It is probably here that he found inspiration in the work of Lev Vygotski. His position in relation to psychology led him to revise Piagetian concepts principally on the following points :
a) The question of representation and symbolic representations. Piaget studied the question of symbolic formation, but not the place of the symbol in the construction of acquired knowledge. Vergnaud’s synthesis with Vygotsky’s approach was established on this basis, subsequently giving rise to his pupils’ developments on the question of instruments, instrumentation and instrumentalisation in work.
b) The substitution of subject/situation and perceptive/gestural pairs for respectively subject/object and sensorial/motor pairs. This point is essential as far as didactics is concerned, where the importance of situations as a basis for learning is no longer in any doubt.
c) The question of operational invariants and their translation into theorems in action and concepts in action. His approach links these questions to those of anticipation and awareness, both of which closely affect didactics whether disciplinary or professional and on which psychology alone can shed light.
d) Gérard Vergnaud remains however strongly attached to the principle that research in psychology should not completely abandon an epistemological perspective in the broadest sense, as it represents a condition of its relevance to didactic questions. He restores the relationship between scheme and conceptualisation to its position in the paradigm of conceptualisation in action. The Theory of Conceptual Fields provides him with a framework to do this and also allows a bridge to be set up between academic (subject-based) and professional fields, which, from this point of view give rise to the same questions, problems and challenges. Indeed, the notion of conceptual fields, in the area of school learning, is opposed to subject-based fields, just as, in the professional area it is opposed to professional fields structured around academic or professional practice built on the basis of transposed knowledge. The theory of concept, as formulated by Gérard Vergnaud, allows this difficulty to be overcome. For him, a concept is a triple made up of operational invariants, situations and systems of signifiers. Imagining the concept in its relationship to situations (taken in a broader sense than that which G. Brousseau uses in his theory of situations) allows a link to be made between professional and conceptual fields, in that what arises from a frequently unorganised variety becomes, through a transformation into a conceptual field, an ordered variation concerning situations.
Unlike most didacticians in mathematics, on one hand he has approached this discipline from the point of view of a developmental psychologist, which led him to be careful of those who stressed strongly the specific nature of a single discipline. On the other hand, unlike occasional research into psychology or didactics, Gérard Vergnaud has tried to keep the developmental approach by setting himself “large” research objects: conceptual fields, which allow a longitudinal approach. The concept of conceptual field has allowed him to continue to maintain this approach in his empirical research. It has also allowed him to design, outside didactics of mathematics, a theoretical framework which could be applied to a wide variety of areas, including work. As a result the idea of development is enlarged, and henceforth applied as much to adults, in particular in their professional life, as to children, in particular in their school life.
Curriculum Vitae of Gérard Vergnaud and list of his publications (2003)
- Directeur de Recherche first class – CNRS
- Born 8th February l933 – Doué la Fontaine (Maine et Loire)
- Doctor Honoris Causa of Geneva University, 1995
- Member of the Russian Academy of Psyghological Sciences, 1996
- Baccalauréat de mathématiques, 1952 ; philosophie, 1953
- Diplôme des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, 1956
- Licence ès Lettres, 1958
- Diplôme d’études supérieures de philosophie, 1959
- Licence de psychologie, 1961
- Diplôme de psychologie expérimentale et comparée, 1962
- Doctorat de 3ème cycle, 1968 : Jury composé de : Jean Piaget, Paul Fraisse et François Bresson ; mention très bien. Titre de la thèse : « La réponse instrumentale comme solution du problème : contribution ».
Career in CNRS
- 1962 : stagiaire de recherche
- 1963 : attaché de recherche
- 1968 : chargé de recherche
- 1974 : maître de recherche
- 1983 : directeur de recherche première classe
- 1999 : directeur de recherche émérite
Main responsibilities
- Direction d’unité et animation scientifique
- 1978 – 1995 : Directeur de la RCP, puis du Gréco, puis du GDR « Didactique et Acquisition des Connaissances Scientifiques »
- 1990 – 2000: Rapporteur Scientifique du Club Crin « Evolutions du Travail et Formation des Compétences », puis du Club « Evolutions du Travail face aux Mutations technologiques »
- 1998 – 2001 : Président du « Comité d’Orientation et d’Evaluation de la Formation » du CNRS
- Since 1998 : Expert auprès du MEDEF
Participation to institutional councils and comities
- Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique
- Directoire du CNRS
- Conseil d’Administration du CNRS
- Conseil Scientifique du CNRS
In other institutions
- Conseil Supérieur des Universités
- Commission « Sciences Humaines » de l’Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale
- Conseil Scientifique de l’Institut National de la Recherche Pédagogique
- Conseil Scientifique de l’Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres de Grenoble
- Conseil Scientifique de l’Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres de Paris
- Comités ad hoc
- Comité d’ACP « Education-Formation » (Ministère de la Recherche et Ministère de l’Education nationale)
- Comité d’ATP « Les transitions dans le système éducatif »
- Comité sur la participation des Universités à la Formation des Maîtres
- Commission permanente de réflexion sur l’Enseignement des Mathématiques (Ministère de l’Education nationale)
- Conseil Scientifique des Instituts de Recherche sur l’Enseignement des Mathématiques
- Mission sur « La Recherche en Education et en Socialisation de l’Enfant » dite « Mission Carraz »Groupe interministériel sur l’Organisation de la Recherche en Education et sur les Missions et Statuts de l’INRP (Ministère de la Recherche, Ministère de l’Education Nationale)
- Groupe d’évaluation et de prospective sur les Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société (Ministère de la Recherche)
- Comité de Programme Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur le Travail et les Conditions de Vie (CNRS)
- Groupe de travail sur la place des Enseignements généraux dans les LEP (Ministère de l’Education Nationale)
- Comité « Sciences de la Cognition » (Ministère de la Recherche)
- Comité « Formation des Adultes faiblement qualifiés » (Ministère de la Recherche)
- Groupe de réflexion sur les formations doctorales et la recherche en psychologie (Ministère de l’Education Nationale)
- Comité « Travail et Apprentissage » (Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche)
- Groupe de réflexion sur les compétences et la formation des compétences au CNRS, chargé notamment de la préparation du 2ème et du 3ème plan triennal de formation
- Club CRIN « Evolutions du Travail et Formation des Compétences »
- Club CRIN « Evolutions du travail face aux mutations technologiques »
- Comité d’Orientation et d’Evaluation de la Formation du CNRS
- Président de la Commission « Hommes et Structures » pour la Région Parisienne lors de la préparation des Assises Nationales « Recherche et Technologie », 1982
- Président du Groupe International « Psychology of Mathematics Education », 1982-1984
- Président du groupe de Conjoncture et de Prospective du CNRS « Sciences cognitives et communication », 1989-1990
- Président du Comité d’Orientation et d’Evaluation de la Formation du CNRS (depuis 1998)
Comités éditoriaux ou scientifiques
- Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques
- Journal Européen de Psychologie de l’Education
- L’Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle
- Cognition and Instruction
- Inferencia y Aprendisaze
- Collection « Mathematics Education Library »
- Nouvelle Revue de l’AIS
Organisation de Conférences, Colloques et Ecoles d’Eté (responsable ou co-responsable)
- Didactique des Sciences et Psychologie. Paris, 1976
- Conférence internationale Psychology of Mathematics Education. Grenoble, 1981
- Didactique et Acquisition des Connaissances Scientifiques. Sèvres, 1987
- Conférence internationale Psychology of Mathematics Education, Paris, 1989
- Colloque de l’Institut Européen pour le Développement des Potentialités de tous les Enfants. Paris, 1989
- Colloque franco-soviétique « Psychologie de la cognition et de la communication », Moscou, 1990
- Ecole d’Eté du CNRS « Sciences Cognitives : formes, catégories et représentations des Connaissances », 1990
- Journées Européennes pour le développement des Potentialités de Tous les Enfants. Barcelone, 1992
- Colloque franco-russe « Cognition, action, langage ». Gif-sur-Yvette, 1993
- Séminaire du Club CRIN « Evolutions du travail et formation des compétences ». Toulouse, 1994
- Colloque CRIN « Entreprises et Compétences : le sens des évolutions ». Dijon, octobre 1997
- Colloque « Qu’est-ce que la Pensée ? Compétences complexes dans l’Education et le Travail ». Suresnes, juillet 1998
Direction of Theses
- 1978, Mariam Salim
- 1980, Pierre Rabardel
- 1982, Patrick Marthe
- 1984, Annie Chalon-Blanc, Antoine Hantouche, Renan Samurçay
- 1985, Esther Grossi
- 1986, Marie-Paule Chichignoud
- 1989, Daniel Courty, Brigitte Soulas
- 1990, Jean-François Lévy, Christophe Parmentier
- 1991, Luz Carretero, Ying He, Benoît Mauret, Suzon Nadot, Janine Pillot, Patricia Tavignot, Ana Caritas Teixeira de Souza
- 1992, Pierre Pastré, Jorge Da Rocha Falcao
- 1993, Roland Goigoux
- 1994, Nadja Acioly, Alain Bernard, Daniel Gilis, Jeanne Guiet, Pascal Jablonka, Gérard Jean-Montcler, Christiane Larère, Jean-Pierre Levain, Didier Mauroux, Georges Nahas, Maria Pagoni
- 1995, Patricia Arkhurst, Evelyne Christiaens, Jaafar Heidar, Claire Lin, Maryvonne Merri, Evelyne Naji, Nathalie Pfaff, Yeong Hee Lim
- 1996, Anne-Marie Jovenet, Gérard Mercier, Jeanne Bolon, Michel Récopé
- 1997, Patrick Mayen, Licia De Souza Leao Maia, Maria Sfyroéra, Bouchta El Rharb, Line Marie Numa
- 1998, Camilo Charon, Jean-Marie Catherine, Suzana Gjeci, Catherine Boyer
- 1999, Fatima Vilar de Melo, Scarlet Sarraf, Naim Rouadi, Alex Gomes
- 2000, Isabelle Vinatier, Sylvie Delacours-Lins, Sandra Bruno, Patrick Courbier, Serge Zaragosa
- 2001, Kyung Hye Kim, Pierre Belmas, Sylvie Robert-Pierrisnard
- 2002, Christian Sarralié, Chiheb ben Chaouacha, Anastassios Koutsoukos, Marie-Paule Vannier, Clarisse Napporn, Aicha Khalis, Lee Hwa Do
- 2003, Aida Najem, Nadia Douek, Grégory Munoz, Sylvie Jeancenelle
- 2004, Yvan Malabry
- 2005, Maria Luiza Castro de Leâo
This list only takes into account books and contributions to collective books, articles in international journals and published communications.
- VERGNAUD G., BENHADJ J., DUSSOUET A. (1979). La coordination de l’enseignement des mathématiques entre le cours moyen 2ème année et la classe de 6ème. Recherches Pédagogiques, 102.
- VERGNAUD G. (1981). L’enfant, la mathématique et la réalité, Berne, Peter Lang. 6 éditions ; traduit en espagnol (1991), en italien (1994) et en russe (1998). Traduction en portugais en cours.
- VERGNAUD G. (Ed). (1983). Didactique et Acquisition du Concept de Volume. N° spécial de Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, 4.
- VERGNAUD G., BROUSSEAU G., HULIN M. (Eds). (1988). Didactique et Acquisition des Connaissances Scientifiques. Actes du Colloque de Sèvres, Mai 1987, Grenoble, La Pensée Sauvage.
- PAILHOUS J., VERGNAUD (1989). Adultes en reconversion. Paris, La Documentation Française. Préface de Hubert Curien.
- VERGNAUD G.(Ed) (1991) Les sciences cognitives en débat. Première école d’été du CNRS sur les sciences cognitives. Paris, Editions du CNRS.
- VERGNAUD G. (1991) El Nino las Matematicas y la Realidad. Mexico, Trillas.
- VERGNAUD G. (Ed) (1992) Approches didactiques en formation d’adultes. Education Permanente. 111.
- GINSBOURGER F., MERLE V., VERGNAUD G. (1992) Formation et apprentissage des adultes peu qualifiés. La documentation Française.
- FISCHBEIN E., VERGNAUD G. (1992) Matematica a scuola : theorie ed esperienze. Bologna, Pittagora Editrice Bologna.
- PLAISANCE E., VERGNAUD G. (l993) Les Sciences de l’Education. Paris, Edition La Découverte.
- VERGNAUD G. (Ed) (l994). Apprentissages et Didactiques. Paris, Hachette.
- VERGNAUD G. (1994). Il Bambino la Matematica la Realta. Rome, Armando Editore.
- LAUTREY J., VERGNAUD G. (Eds) (1997). Piaget aujourd’hui. Psychologie Française, 42-1
- VERGNAUD G., BREGEON J-L., DOSSAT L., HUGUET F., MYX A.,PEAULT H. (1997) Le Moniteur de Mathématiques. Cycle 3. Paris, Nathan.
- VERGNAUD G. (1998) Edition en russe de L’Enfant, la Mathématique et la Réalité. Moscou, Institut de Psychologie.
- VERGNAUD G. (2000) Lev Vygotski pédagogue et penseur de notre temps. Paris Hachette Education.
- VERGNAUD G. (1971). Cheminements dans le permutoèdre chez les enfants. In Ordres totaux finis, Paris, Gauthier-Villars-Mouton, pp. 133-139.
- VERGNAUD G. (1980). Apprentissage de l’arithmétique élémentaire et psychogénèse. en Russe
- VERGNAUD G., HALBWACHS F., ROUCHIER A. (1981). Estructura de la materia ensenada, historia de las ciencias, y desarrollo conceptual del alumno. in Coll C (Ed.), Psicologia genetica y education, Oikos-tau-Barcelona, pp.115-128.
- VERGNAUD G. (1982). A classification of cognitive tasks and operations of thought involved in addition and subtraction problems, in Carpenter T.P., Moser J.M., Romberg T.A. (Eds). Addition and Subtraction: a cognitive perspective, Hillsdale NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum, 39-59.
- VERGNAUD G. (1983). Actividad y conocimiento operatorie. In Coll. C. (Ed.) Psicologia genetica y aprendizajes escolares, Madrid, Siglo XXI de Espana Editores, pp. 91-104.
- VERGNAUD G., DURAND C. (1983). Estructuras additivas y compleji dad psicogenetica. In Coll. C. (Ed.). Psicologia genetica y aprendizajes escolares. Madrid, Siglo XXI de Espana Editores, pp. 105-128.
- VERGNAUD G. (1983). Multiplicative Structures. In Lesh R., Landau M. (Ed.). Acquisition of mathematics concepts and processes, Academic Press, pp. 127-174.
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- VERGNAUD G. (1986). Mathématiques et Conceptualisation du Réel, in R. Ghiglione, Comprendre l’Homme, construire des Modèles, Paris, Editions du CNRS, pp. 125-129.
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- VERGNAUD G. (1988) Multiplicative structures. in H. Hiebert, M. Behr (Eds.) Research Agenda in Mathematics Education : Number concepts and operations in the Middle Grades 141-161. Hillsdale, Lawrence Erlbaum. pp 141-161.
- VERGNAUD G. (l989) Sciences cognitives et communication. in CNRS. Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique. Rapport de conjoncture 327-336
- VERGNAUD G. (l990) Préface. in M. Fayol (Ed). L’enfant et le nombre. Paris, Delachaux et Niestlé, pp 9-12.
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- WEIL BARAIS A., VERGNAUD G.(1990) Students’conceptions in physics and mathematics : Biases and helps. In J.P. Caverni, J-M. Fabre, M. Gonzalez (Eds). Cognitive biases. North Holland, Elsevier Science Publishers, pp 69-84.
- VERGNAUD G. (1991) Morphismes fondamentaux dans les processus de conceptualisation. In G. Vergnaud (Ed) Les Sciences cognitives en débat. Paris, Editions du C.N.R.S., pp. 15-23.
- VERGNAUD G. (1991) Discussion. In G. Vergnaud (Ed) Les Sciences cognitives en débat. Paris, Editions du C.N.R.S., pp. 317-331.
- VERGNAUD G. (l99l) L’appropriation du concept de nombre : un processus de longue haleine. in J. Bideaud, C. Meljac, J-P. Fischer (Eds) Les chemins du nombre, Presses Universitaires de Lille, pp 271-282.
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- VERGNAUD G. (l992) Raisonnement et conceptualisation. Le Courrier du C.N.R.S. Numéro spécial sur les sciences cognitives.
- VERGNAUD G. (l992) Conceptual Fields, Problem-Solving and Intelligent Computer-Tools. in E. De Corte, M. Linn, H. Mandl and L. Verschaffel (Eds). Comptuter-based learning environments and problem-solving. Berlin, Springer.
- VERGNAUD G. (1992) Préface in ERMEL Apprentissages numériques et résolution de problèmes au cours élémentaire Première Année. Paris, Hatier.
- VERGNAUD G. (1993) Préface in B. D’Amore. Problemi. Milano, Franco-Angeli.
- LABORDE C., VERGNAUD G. (1994) Les recherches sur l’apprentissage et l’enseignement des mathématiques. In G. Vergnaud (Ed) Apprentissages et Didactiques. Paris, Hachette.
- VERGNAUD G. (1994) Multiplicative Conceptual Field. What and Why. in G. Harel and J. Confrey (Eds). The Development of Multiplicative Reasoning in the learning of Mathematics. Albany State, University of New York Press.
- VERGNAUD G. (1994) Schemi teorici e fatti empirici nella psicologia dell’educazione matematica in B.Janamorelli Insegnamento/apprendimento della mathematica : linguaggio naturale e linguaggio della scienza. Torre dei Nolfi, Qualevita.
- VERGNAUD G. (1996) The theory of conceptual L.P. Steffe, P. Nesher, P. Cobb, G.A. Goldin, B. Greer (Eds) Theories of Mathematical Learning. Mahwah, Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.
- VERGNAUD G. (1996) Au fond de l’action, la conceptualisation. In J-M. Barbier (Ed). Savoirs théoriques et savoirs d’action. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.
- VERGNAUD G. (1996) La théorie des champs conceptuels. In J. Brun (Ed). Didactique des Mathématiques. Delachaux et Niestlé. Lausanne.
- PIEDNOIR J. L. (1996) sous la responsabilité scientifique de G. Vergnaud et A. Cortès. Mathématiques pour l’apprentissage en alternance. Centre de formation d’apprentis, centre interconsulaire de l’Eure.
- VERGNAUD G. (1997) The nature of mathematical concepts in T. Nunes, P. Bryant (Eds) Learning and Teaching Mathematics; An International Perspective. Hove (East Sussex), Psychology Press Ltd.
- VERGNAUD G. (1997) Vers une théorie intégrée de la représentation. In G.L. Baron, E. Bruillard (Eds). Informatique et Education : regards cognitifs, pédagogiques et sociaux. Documents et travaux de recherche en Education. n° 15, INRP, Paris.
- VERGNAUD G. (1997) Variété et importance des premiers apprentissages. Quoi faire ? Qu’attendre ? In Mathématiques de base pour tous ? (Document de l’Association Pour Favoriser Une Ecole Efficace). Lyon, Aléas Editeur.
- VERGNAUD G. (1997) L’illettrisme en mathématiques : la définition impossible. In C. Barré de Miniac et B Lété (Eds) L’illettrisme : de la prévention chez l’enfant aux stratégies de formation chez l’adulte. Paris-Bruxelles, De Boek & Larcier.
- VERGNAUD G. (1997) Arithmétique et algèbre au collège. Filiation et ruptures du point de vue de l’élève. In P. Legrand (Ed) Profession Enseignant. Les maths en collège et en lycée. Paris, Hachette.
- VERGNAUD G. (1998) Towards a cognitive theory of practice. In A. Sierpinska, J. Kilpatrick (Eds) Mathematics Education as a research domain : A Search for Identity. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- VERGNAUD G. (1999) On n’a jamais fini de relire Vygotski et Piaget. In Y. Clot (Ed) Avec Vygotski. Paris, La Dispute / SNEDIT.
- VERGNAUD G. (1999) Un point de vue de psychologue. In G. Glaeser (Ed) Une introduction à la didactique expérimentale des mathématiques. Grenoble, La Pensée Sauvage.
- VERGNAUD G. (1999) Le développement cognitif de l’adulte. In P Carré et P Caspar (Eds) Traité des Sciences et des techniques de la Formation. Paris, Dunod.
- VERGNAUD G. (2000) Apprentissage et didactique en formation professionnelle. In J.C. Ruano-Borbalan et M. Fournier (Eds) Savoirs et compétences. Les Editions Demos.
- VERGNAUD G. (2000) Mathématiques : quel sens donner à l’idée de culture commune ? In H. Romian (Ed) Pour une culture commune. Paris, Hachette Livre.
- VERGNAUD G. (2000) Introduction. In A. Bessot et J Ridgway (Eds) Education for mathematics in the workplace. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- VERGNAUD G. (2001) Psychologie du développement cognitif et évaluation des compétences. In G. Figari, M. Achouche (Eds) L’activité évaluative réinterrogée. Bruxelles, De Boek Université.
- VERGNAUD G. (2001) A quoi sert la didactique? In J. C. Ruano-Borbalan (Ed) Eduquer et former. Les connaissances et les débats en éducation et formation. Auxerre, Sciences Humaines Editions.
- VERGNAUD G. (2002) Problemas aditivos y multiplicativos. In C. Chamorro (Ed) Dificultades del aprendizaje de las matematicas. Madrid, Ministerio de educacion, cultura y deporte.
- VERGNAUD G. (2002) L’explication est-elle autre chose que la conceptualisation ? In F. Leutenegger et M. Saada-Robert (Eds) Expliquer et comprendre en sciences de l’éducation. Bruxelles, de Boeck.
- VERGNAUD G. (2003) A gênese dos campos conceituais. In E.P. Grossi (Ed) Porque ainda ha quem nâo aprende ? A teoria. Petropolis, Vozes
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- VERGNAUD G. (1972). De la réponse commune à l’algèbre de Boole, L’Année Psychologique, 72, pp. 379-390.
- VERGNAUD G. (1974-1975). Calcul relationnel et représentation calculable. Bulletin de Psychologie, 28, pp. 378-387.
- VERGNAUD G. (1976). Different level homorphisms and representa tion, in Psychology of Human Learning and Problem Solving, Psy chodiagnostics, Bratislava, pp. 320-325.
- VERGNAUD G., DURAND C. (1976). Structures additives et complexité psychogénétique. Revue Française de Pédagogie, 36, pp. 28-43.
- VERGNAUD G. (1976-1977). Invariants quantitatifs, qualitatifs et relationnels, Bulletin de Psychologie, 327, pp. 387-389.
- VERGNAUD G., RICCO G. (1976-1977). Psychogenèse et programme d’enseignement: différents aspects de la notion de hiérarchie, Bulletin de Psychologie, 330, pp. 877-882.
- VERGNAUD G. (1977). Activité et connaissance opératoire, Bulletin de l’Association des Professeurs de Mathématiques, 307, pp. 52- 65.
- VERGNAUD G., HALBWACHS F., ROUCHIER A. (1978). Structure de la matière enseignée, histoire des sciences et développement conceptuel chez l’élève. In Didactique des Sciences et Psychologie, Revue Française de Pédagogie, 45, pp. 7-15.
- VERGNAUD G., RICCO G., ROUCHIER A., MARTHE P., METREGISTE R. (1978). Quelles connaissances les enfants de sixième ont-ils des structures multiplicatives élémentaires ? Bulletin de l’Association des Professeurs de Mathématiques, 313, pp. 331-357.
- VERGNAUD G. (1979). The acquisition of arithmetical concepts. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 10, pp. 263-274.
- ROUCHIER. A., VERGNAUD G. et al. (1980). Situations et processus didactiques dans l’étude des nombres rationnels positifs. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, 1, pp. 225-275.
- VERGNAUD G. (1981). Jean Piaget, quels enseignements pour la didactique ? Revue Française de Pédagogie, 57, pp. 7-14.
- VERGNAUD G. (1981). Quelques orientations théoriques et méthodologiques des recherches françaises en didactique des mathématiques. Recherches en didactique des mathématiques, 2, pp. 215-231.
- VERGNAUD G. (1982). Cognitive and Developmental Psychology and Research in Mathematics Education: some theoretical and methodological issues. For the learning of Mathematics, 3, 2, pp. 31-41.
- VERGNAUD G. (1983). Psychology and didactics of Mathematics in France: an overview. Zentralblatt fur Didaktick der Mathematik, 2, pp. 59-63.
- VERGNAUD G. (1983). Introduction. In Vergnaud G. (Ed.),Didactique et acquisition du concept de volume. Numéro spécial de Recherches en didactique des mathématiques, 4, pp. 9-25.
- RICCO G., VERGNAUD G., ROUCHIER A. (1983). Représentations du volume et arithmétisation – entretiens individuels avec des élèves de 11 à 15 ans. In Vergnaud G. (Ed) Didactique et acquisition du concept de volume. Numéro spécial de Recherches en didactique des mathématiques, 4, pp. 27-69.
- VERGNAUD G., ROUCHIER A., DESMOULIERES S., LANDRE C., MARTHE P., RICCO G., SAMURCAY R., ROGALSKI J., VIALA A. (1983). Une expérience didactique sur le concept de volume en classe de cinquième (12-13 ans). In Vergnaud G. (Ed.),Didactique et acquisition du concept de volume. Numéro spécial de Recherches en didactique des mathématiques, 4 (1), pp. 71-120.
- VERGNAUD G. (1985). Concepts et schèmes dans une théorie opératoire de la représentation. Psychologie Française, 30, (Les Représentations), pp. 245-252.
- VERGNAUD G., RICCO G. (1986). Didactica y adquisicion de conceptos matematicos. Problemas y Metodos. Revista Argentina de Educa cion, 4, pp. 67-92.
- VERGNAUD G. (1986). Conceptualisation de l’espace et mathématiques. Technologies, Idéologies, Pratiques, 1, pp. 91-94.
- VERGNAUD G. (1986). Mathématiques et Français, Le Français Aujourd’hui, 74, pp. 47-49.
- VERGNAUD G. (1986). Psychologie du développement cognitif et didactique des mathématiques: un exemple, les structures additives. Grand N, 38, pp. 21-40.
- VERGNAUD G. (1986). Psicologia do desenvolvimento cognitivo e didactica das matematicas. Um exemplo: as estruturas aditivas. In Analise Psicologica, 1 (V): pp. 75-90.
- VERGNAUD G. (1986). Editorial du numéro spécial « Psychologie et apprentissage des Mathématiques ». European Journal of Psychology of Education. 1, pp. 3-5 (Editeur invité).
- VERGNAUD G. (1987). Réflexions sur les finalités de l’Enseignement des Mathématiques. Gazette des Mathématiciens, 1987, 32, pp. 54-61.
- ROGALSKI J., VERGNAUD G. (1987). Didactique de l’informatique et acquisitions cognitives en programmation. Psychologie Française, 32, pp. 267-273.
- VERGNAUD G. (1988). Questions de représentation et de formulation dans la résolution de problèmes mathématiques. Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives, IREM de Strasbourg, 1, pp. 33- 55.
- VERGNAUD G. (1988). L’élève face à la tâche : problèmes à résoudre, difficultés à surmonter. (Numéro hors série). European Journal of Psychology of Education, 15-21.
- VERGNAUD G (1988). Questions vives de la psychologie du développement. Bulletin de Psychologie, n° 390. 450-457.
- VERGNAUD G. (1988). Concepts et schèmes dans une théorie opératoire de la représentation. in J-P. Codol (Ed). Travaux actuels de psychologie de langue française (traduit en polonais). n° spécial de Przeglad Psychologiczny, 33. (1) 229-244.
- VERGNAUD G. (1989). La formation des concepts scientifiques. Relire Vygotski et débattre avec lui aujourd’hui. Enfance, 1-2, 111-118.
- VERGNAUD G., WEIL-BARAIS A. (l989) Psychologie et didactique. Bulletin de l’Union des Physiciens, avril, supplément au n° 713. pp 13-15.
- VERGNAUD G (1990). Catégories logiques et invariants. Archives de Psychologie, Hommage à Pierre Gréco, 58, 145-149.
- VERGNAUD G (1990). La théorie des champs conceptuels. Recherches en didactique des mathématiques. volume 10.2 , 133-170.
- VERGNAUD G. (1991) Langage et Pensée dans l’apprentissage des mathématiques. Revue Française de Pédagogie. n° 96, 79-86.
- VERGNAUD G. (1991) Quelques problèmes d’orientation dans la Recherche. In Actes du Colloque national Fonctionnement cognitif et pratiques de remédiations. Les Cahiers de Beaumont, pp 56-62.
- VERGNAUD G. (1991) (en russe).Psychologie cognitive et apprentissages mathématiques. Relire Vygotski et Piaget Journal de Psychologie, 6, n° 12, 88-97.
- VERGNAUD G. (l99l) Pourquoi la psychologie cognitive ? La Pensée.n° 282, 9-l9.
- VERGNAUD G; (l992) Qu’est-ce que la didactique ? En quoi peut-elle intéresser la formation des adultes peu qualifiés ? in G. Vergnaud. Education Permanente. n° 111. 19-31.
- VERGNAUD G. (1992) Raisonnement et conceptualisation. Le Courrier du CNRS. 79 Numéro spécial sur les sciences cognitives.
- VERGNAUD G. (1993) Signifiants et signifiés dans une approche psychologique de la représentation. Les Sciences de l’Education. Les représentations graphiques dans l’enseignement et la formation. l, 3, pp 9-16.
- VERGNAUD G. (1994) Homomorphismes réel-représentation et signifié-signifiant; exemples en mathématiques. Didaskalia, 5, 29-34.
- VERGNAUD G. (1995) (en russe) . Vers une théorie intégrée de la représentation. Psychologie étrangère, 3, n° 5, 9-17.
- VERGNAUD G. (1995) Introduction. Performances humaines et techniques (dossier : compétences), 75-76 , 7-12.
- VERGNAUD G. (1995) La Didactique a-t-elle un sens pour la formation des personnes peu qualifiées et peu motivées ? Migrants-formation, 100, 119-131.
- LEVAIN J-P., VERGNAUD G. (1995) Proportionnalité simple, proportionnalité multiple. Grand N, 56, 55-67.
- VERGNAUD G. (1996) Some of Piaget’s fundamental ideas concerning didactics, Prospects, 26-1, 183-194.
- VERGNAUD G. (1996) Education the best portion of Piaget’s heritage. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 55-2/3, 112-118.
- VERGNAUD G., GALKINA T., SAMOYLENKO L., (1998) L’Enseignement et l’Apprentissage des Mathématiques dans des contextes culturels et historiques différents. MSH informations, 74, 5-7
- VERGNAUD G. (1999) A comprehensive Theory of Representation for Mathematics Education. Journal of Mathematical Behavior (Numéro spécial sur la représentation), 17, 2, 167-181.
- VERGNAUD G. (1999) A quoi sert la didactique ? Sciences Humaines (La dynamique des savoirs). Numéro hors série, 24, 48-52.
- VERGNAUD G., RECOPE M. (2000) De Revault d’Allonnes à une théorie du schème aujourd’hui. Psychologie française (La Société Française de Psychologie a cent ans), 45, 1, 35-50.
- VERGNAUD G. (2000) Une activité opératoire entre sens commun et analyse scientifique. Cahiers pédagogiques (Les représentations mentales). Numéro hors série, septembre 2000, 24-26.
- SAMURCAY R; VERGNAUD G. (2000) Que peut apporter l’analyse de l’activité à la formation des enseignants et des formateurs ? Carrefours de l’éducation, 10, 48-63.
- VERGNAUD G. (2001) EPS interroge un psychologue didacticien (interview). Revue EPS Education physique et sport, 288 mars-avril, 9-13.
- VERGNAUD G. (2001) Psychologie cognitive et éducation: un enjeu scientifique et social. Dialogue, 100/101, 58-64.
- VERGNAUD G. (2002) Piaget visité par la didactique. Intellectica, 33, 107-123.
- VERGNAUD G; (2002) Forma operatoria e forma predicativa do conhecimento: O valor da experiencia na formaçao de competencias. Araucarias, 1-2, 69-89.
- VERGNAUD G. (2004) Un cadre général en guise d’introduction. Les troubles des apprentissages ; n° spécial de La nouvelle revue de l’AIS. 27, 7-13.
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- VERGNAUD G. (1972). Capacity and limit of the computer in the study of problem solving. An example: solving arithmetical problems. Artificial and Human Thinking, actes du Symposium OTAN de St-Maximin, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 264-272.
- VERGNAUD G. (1975). Psychologie et didactique, Actes du Colloque « Les objectifs didactiques assignables à l’enseignement du second degré », Paris, C.N.D.P., Marseille, pp. 71-78.
- VERGNAUD G. (1977). Contribution à la journée d’étude « Piaget et le marxisme: sur la théorie opératoire », 140, Cahiers du C.E.R.M., pp. 105-112.
- VERGNAUD G. (1978). The acquisition of arithmetical concepts. in Proceedings of the Second International conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Osnabrucker Schriften zur Mathematik, pp. 344-355.
- VERGNAUD G., ERRECALDE P. et al. (1980). Some steps in the under standing and the use of scales by 10-13 year old students. Proceedings of the fourth International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Berkeley, pp. 285-292.
- VERGNAUD G. (1980). Didactics and acquisition of multiplicative structures in secondary schools. in Archenbold W.F., Driver R.H., Orton A., Wood-Robinson C. (Eds) Cognitive development research in science and mathematics. University of Leeds Press, pp. 190- 201.
- VERGNAUD G. (1982). Cognitive Psychology and didactics: signified/signifier and problems of reference. Proceedings of the sixth International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Université d’Anvers, vol. 88, pp. 70-76.
- VERGNAUD G. (1983). Cross-reference of arithmetical tasks to physics ad mathematics in the elementary and secondary schools. In Zweng M. et al. (Eds.). Proceedings of the fourth international congress on mathematical education, Boston: Birkhauser, pp. 517-520.
- VERGNAUD G. (1983). Why is an epistemological perspective a necessity for research in mathematics education. Proceedings of the fifth annual meeting of the North american chapter of the International group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, pp. 2-20. (invited plenary address).
- VERGNAUD G. (1984). Didactics as a content-oriented approach to research on the learning of physics, mathematics and natural language. Convention of the American Educational Research Association, Nouvelle Orléans, ERIC Publications. (invited plenary ad dress).
- VERGNAUD G. (1984). Quelques problèmes théoriques de la didactique, à propos d’un exemple: les structures additives. Recherche en didactique de la physique, Actes du Premier Atelier International, Editions du CNRS, pp. 391-402. (conférence invitée)
- VERGNAUD G. (1984). Problem-Solving and symbolism in the development of mathematical concepts. Proceedings of the eighth Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Sidney, pp. 27-38. (invited plenary address)
- VERGNAUD G. (1984). Contenus de l’enseignement et recherche en didactique. In Approches didactiques des problèmes de l’enseignement, Grenoble. Les Publications de l’Institut de Formation des Maîtres,8, pp. 1-15.
- VERGNAUD G. Understanding Mathematics at the secondary school level. Proceedings of the fifth International Congress on Mathematical Education. Adélaïde. (invited address)
- VERGNAUD G. (1986). Topic Area: Psychology of Mathematics Education. In M. Carss Ed. Proceedings of the fifth International Congress on Mathematical Education, Birkhäuser, pp. 263-273. (invited organizer)
- VERGNAUD G., CORTES A. (1986). Introducing Algebra to low-level 8th and 9th graders. Proceedings of the tenth International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Londres, pp. 319-324.
- VERGNAUD G. (1987). About constructivism. Proceedings of the twelvth Conférence for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Montréal, pp. 42-54. (invited plenary address).
- VERGNAUD G., CORTES A., FAVRE-ARTIGUE P. (1988). Introduction de l’algèbre auprès de débutants faibles. Problèmes épistémologiques et didactiques. In Vergnaud G., Brousseau G., Hulin M. (Eds), Didactique et Acquisition des Concepts Scientifiques. Actes du Colloque de Sèvres, Mai 1987, pp. 259-279.
- VERGNAUD G (1988) Par quelles compétences mathématiques l’école maternelle est-elle concernée ? In Vivre à l’Ecole Maternelle, apprendre, grandir. Actes du 6ème Congrès de l’AGIEM, Toulouse, 51-55.
- VERGNAUD G. (1988) Theoretical frameworks and empirical facts in the psychology of mathematics education. Plenary address. In A. Hirst & K. Hirst (Eds.) Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Mathematical Education, Budapest, Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Conférence plénière, pp 29-47.
- VERGNAUD G. (1988). Long terme et court terme dans l’apprentissage de l’algèbre. In C. Laborde (Ed.) Actes du Colloque franco-allemand de Didactique des Mathématiques et de l’Informatique, Marseille, novembre 1986. La Pensée Sauvage, l89-l99.
- VERGNAUD G. (1988) Psicologia cognitiva y del desarrollo y didacticas de las matematicas. In F. Huarte Tamas actuales sobre psicopedagogia y didactica. 2e congreso mundial vasco.
- VERGNAUD G. (1989). Problem-solving and concept-formation in the learning of mathematics. In H. Mandl, E. De Corte, H. Bennett, H. Friedrich (eds.) Learning and Instruction, Oxford Pergamon Press, Conférence plénière, 399-413.
- VERGNAUD G. (1989). Psychologie et didactique: quels enseignements théoriques et méthodologiques pour la recherche en psychologie. In J-M. Monteil et M. Fayol (eds) La Psychologie Scientifique et ses applications. Grenoble, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, l35-150.
- VERGNAUD G. (1989). Difficultés conceptuelles, erreurs didactiques et vrais obstacles épistémologiques dans l’apprentissage des mathématiques. In N. Bednarz, C. Garnier (eds). Construction des savoirs, Ottawa, Cirade, 33-40.
- VERGNAUD G. (1989). L’obstacle des nombres négatifs et l’introduction à l’algèbre. In N. Bednarz, C. Garnier (eds.). Construction des savoirs, Ottawa, Cirade, 76-83.
- VERGNAUD G. (1990) Aspects scientifiques et sociaux des réseaux de recherche en éducation. in Actes du Colloque « Recherche en Psychologie en Europe. Demande sociale et réseaux scientifiques ». Toulouse, janvier l990. pp 75-8l.
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- VERGNAUD G. (2002) Compétence et conceptualisation. Recherche en soins infirmiers. Publication ARSI, 70, septembre 2002, p 4-12
- VERGNAUD G. (2003) La conceptualisation clef de voûte des rapports entre pratique et théorie. In Analyse de pratiques et professionnalité des enseignants. Actes de la DESCO. CRDP de l’Académie de Versailles, p 48-57. Suivi de Table ronde p 73-77.