The association, which is registered in France, regroups French researchers and numerous foreign ones from all continents interested in the development and the improvement of research in didactics of mathematics. ARDM intends to :
- Promote diffusion and valorisation of research’s results, French ones as well as foreign ones, by assuming the responsibility of a journal : Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques and by supporting the journal Petit X devoted to secondary teachers and their educators ;
- Contribute to the development and the discussion of these results through the organisation of three sessions a year of a seminar in Paris and of a biennial summer school on one hand, and through encouragements to various conferences and congress on another hand ;
- Put at its adherents’ disposal the scientific information likely to interest them;
- Support new researchers by permitting them to present quickly their research ; by helping them for foreign travels ; by providing information and advices concerning professional perspectives.
- Develop relations with other associations and organisms, as well French ones as foreign ones, interested in the study and the development of mathematical teaching (SMF, SMAI, APMEP, ADIREM, CDIUFM, ERME, CFEM,ICMI…) ;
- Take part in national and international debates concerning education in order to promote a good-quality teaching, by leaning on results out of research in mathematical education
- Promote, nationally and internationally, the specificity of research works in didactics of mathematics, that study process involved in the elaboration of mathematical objects and the modalities for teaching, learning and diffusion of mathematics themselves.