Dear colleagues

I hope my message will find you all healthy.

Let me first invite you, to visit the 10th Pan African Congress of Mathematicians (PACOM 2021) website in : , and to register. My deep wish is that many of my colleagues here copied, would be motivated to attend PACOM 2021 and contribute with presentation , posters, attendance to the various special sessions etc… , enriching the scientific program of that important mathematical event of AMU, which should be the more important mathematical Event in the Continent, as it is the case in the other continents. Your participation would be sincerely deeply appreciated. Of course, we are all waiting for better conditions of the pandemic VODIC-19, but let us remain optimist that PACOM 2021 could be held on time, and that we could meet in Brazzaville in August 2021.

I would like to appeal here for your AMU membership and regularization of your fees, till 2021, to be invited to attend, in your quality of african individual member or representative of an african legal member, the AMU General assembly in Brazzaville in 1st August 2021. Thank you for your understanding and your precious support.

Let me inform you that the Application for grant to attend PACOM 2021, is available at the PACOM 2021 Website, please apply in case of other application for your support, from your university or other sources, have failed.

To end , I would wish to remind for the nomination of African pioneers and outstanding Mathematicians for the AMU-PACOM 2021 Awards and Medals.

With best regards
Prof Nouzha El Yacoubi, AMU President
PACOM 2021, CHAIR of the International Organizing Committee
CHAIR of the Selection Committee of the AMU-PACOM 2021 Awards and medals

PS. I will attach here the documents concerning the AMU-PACOM 2021 Awards and Medal