je relaie cette information de la part d’Ignacio Atal du CRI (Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires) de Paris. Il s’agit d’une offre d’un poste de post-doctorant.
The Teachers as Researchers group from CRI (INSERM U1284) is hiring a 2-year post-doc. Start date: June – Sept 2020.
We are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral fellow to work on a multi-disciplinary project aiming at developing and evaluating methods to accompany a community of teachers to collaboratively reflect on their practices and analyze them.
The candidate should have a PhD as well as at least one peer-reviewed publication as main author in either of the following disciplines: education, neuroscience, psychology, computer science, natural sciences, economics, or a different discipline which would allow him/her to contribute to projects related to:
Citizen science: invite any teacher to become a researcher for the educational sciences, and consider his.her classroom as a research lab for conducting daily experiments.
Action Research: maximize teachers’ reflexivity taking into account their specific context: constant observation and action
Evidence-based research: Assist teachers to identify « what works » and « what doesn’t work » in their classroom based on evidence; evaluate whether accompanying teachers as researchers has an impact on teachers’ and students’ learning
Cognitive and educational psychology: Accompany teachers to create suitable tools to understand their students’ learning and behaviors; understand and measure teachers’ reflexivity and learning throughout their research
Natural Language Processing: automatically analyze and aggregate teachers’ narratives and reports of « teaching research »
Institutional design and educational policy: study how teachers’ reflexive process can be developed on national/international scale as a method for teachers’ professional development
More information about the research activities of the Teachers as Researchers group can be found on our website.
The successful candidate will join the CRI’s growing Collaboratory within our dedicated building at the historical heart of Paris (the Marais). This 5300m2building includesstate-of-the-art office and wet lab space, microfabrication andMakerspace,MobileandVirtual Realitytechnology,Game design,MOOC/online content development,pedagogic facilities and studio apartments for students and young researchers.
The core mission of the Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity (CRI) is to transform the way to research and acquire, share and co-create knowledge across thelife, learning, and digital sciences. We are guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals towards high-impact work on specific topic combining biomedicine, natural sciences, education, and digital transformation.