ICMI is hosting a one-day symposium on 20th March 2023, to act as a gathering point for scholars working in what might be diverse areas, but whose concerns could be broadly grouped together as “socio-ecological”.
We imagine the socio-ecological may have resonance for scholars working in the following areas (but not restricted to): critical mathematics education, climate change education, Indigenous ways of knowing, ethnomathematics, decolonial and antiracist perspectives, mathematical modelling, STEM approaches, arts- based research, and other interdisciplinary work involving mathematics or theoretical approaches that address the socio-ecological aspect. Such areas of scholarship commonly include multiple-stakeholders such as teachers, community educators, learners, community-members, scholars of various disciplines, and we encourage contributions that are inclusive in this regard.
The aims of the symposium are as follows:
- To gather the “state of the art” of socio-ecological research from around the world and engage in dialogue across perspectives.
- To explore the different ways in which a theorization of the socio-ecological influences the focus and methodological approach of mathematics education research.
- To consider practical implications of socio-ecological research for school/university curriculum and pedagogy, education outside formal structures, teacher preparation, and policy.
With these aims, the symposium will contribute to knowledge building, relating to mathematics education and the socio-ecological, and, moreover, it has the potential to lead to a proposal for consideration as an ICMI Study on the topic.
To cater for participants in different time zones, two symposia with be held, with an overlapping Plenary talk.
Symposium 1 will be held from 09:30-15:10 GMT (10h30-16h10 heure française)
Symposium 2 from 14:00-19:30 GMT. (15h00 – 20h30 heure française)
For more information, see https://www.mathunion.org/fileadmin/ICMI/frontpage/slider/2023/ICMI_Symposium%202nd%20announcement_finalv2.pdf
Attendance at the symposium is free, but you do need to register using the links below. The Zoom link will then be sent to you the day before the symposium.
Symposium 1 : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/icmi-socioecological-symposium-schedule1-tickets-513876788307
Symposium 2: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/icmi-socioecological-symposium-schedule-2-tickets-513908984607