Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

Nous (Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Cris Edmonds-Whaten, Faiza Chellougui, Judith Njomgang Ngnasop, Jean-Jacques Salone) vous invitons à participer à l’atelier que nous organisons pendant le Congrès ICME14 intitulé:

« Linguistic and Logical Methodological Tools to Address Language Diversity in Mathematics Education »

Il s’agit de l’atelier 17 (WS 17) qui se déroulera  le 14 juillet de 21:30 à 23:00 (Heure de Shanghai, UTC + 8).

Vous trouverez ci-dessous  le descriptif en anglais.

Bien cordialement

Viviane Durand-Guerrier


The aim of this workshop is to share with an international audience the linguistic and methodological tools we are developing in our own multilingual contexts in order to discuss the possibility of their generalisation, how to improve them for wider use and to initiate international collaborations involving a variety of languages.
In multilingual contexts differing grammatical structures of languages might affect the process of teaching and learning mathematics, whatever the level of instruction, considering that switching from one language to another in a classroom might be both an obstacle or a resource, and that translating even the most straightforward of mathematical statements from a language to another presents challenges. We also consider the issue raised by the translation of transcripts of classroom situations for communication of our research for an international audience, which is important for many researchers but particularly for those conducting research on language diversity.
The workshop will include
– Presentation of and discussion about the tools Individual work on a translation task
– Further discussion including possibilities for future collaborations
The previously planned asynchronous activities described in the Workshop document are not possible due to technical and administration constraints.
Workshop organisers: Viviane Durand-Guerrier, University of Montpellier (France), Cris Edmonds-Wathen, Charles Darwin University (Australia), Faiza Chellougui, University of Carthage (Tunisia) Judith Njamgong Ngonsap, University of Yaoundé (Cameroun) Jean-Jacques Salone, CUFR of Mayotte (France)