Webinar on the special issue 3, 2023
Conceptualizing teachers’ interactions with resources in crossing languages and cultures
Edited by Luc Trouche, Jill Adler, Janine Remillard
Thursday, 29th June 2023, 13.00 – 14.30 UTC (15.00 – 16.30 CET)
Moderators: Gabriele Kaiser (Editor in Chief ZDM – Mathematics Education) and Janine Remillard (Special Issue Editor)
LINK: https://uni-hamburg.zoom.us/j/7843577667?pwd=VEM5cm16QjI1UFBUd2t1a2NzUWJ5UT09
Meeting-ID: 784 357 7667; Security code: 12345678
No registration necessary, feel free to give the invitation to other interested scholars.