dans le monde
This is a mirror site for the web site of Guy Broussseau, designed to make his site more accessible for Anglophones. It is being produced by Ginger Warfield (warfield@math.washington.edu) as a perpetual work in process. I have translated this homepage, and some other key pages, and will continue to translate some entries, in particular Brousseau’s summaries of his entries. Most links, however, will take the reader to the originals in French. For any reader who would like to know more about one of those originals, I am willing to provide some additional description and discussion (though only rarely a complete translation!)
In order to make it easier for the reader to connect this site and the original French language site, I have kept all of Brousseau’s fonts and formats. In order to make it easier to spot the differences, I have converted the colors from blue to green strictly on the sections I have translated. Comments that I add myself will be in the color and font of this note.
Université JAUME 1
Centro de Recursos de Didáctica de las Matemáticas Guy Brousseau (CRDM-GB). Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Castellón (España)
Accesso al sitio del CRDM Guy Brousseau , a través del Instituto de Matemáticas y sus Aplicaciones de Castellón (IMAC) : http://www.imac.uji.es/CRDM/
Accesso al sitio del CRDM Guy Brousseau , a través de la Bilbioteca de la UJI : http://repositori.uji.es/xmlui/handle/10234/62668